Alba Serra

(Barcelona, Spain, 1984)

For two years Alba Serra has accumulated photographs of places of transit and in parallel has captured snapshots of her private life when she returns to the city. The images, sequenced without a linear narrative order, blur the differences between that which is foreign and that which is personal, local and foreign. The project inevitably becomes a visual essay on uncertainty, and reflects on how fiction is an intimate part of images and of our history.


This visual essay examines how fiction is part of the images we produce and look at. Combining photographs of family and acquaintances with those of people and spaces unknown to the artist, he creates a new narrative in which the boundaries between the personal and the unpersonal are blurred. The title Manual of Russian Gestures is an allusion to a series of possible narratives and suggests an ironic distancing from what may appear to be an intimate diary.


Photography as a network of relations between the real and the dreamed. The image as a fiction. The image as a lie that helps us to discover the truth.


Alba Serra began her approach to the image through fashion, training at various schools in England, Buenos Aires and Barcelona. In the last four years she has specialised in photography and has participated in several international exhibitions and festivals. Recently, she has received the VEGAP grant for visual creation for the development of the ongoing project There Will Be Miracles Here.



Carrer Joaquim Blume (Mapa)

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