Isaac Flores

(Barcelona, Spain, 1994)


‘Valid Identities’ is the title of a show of Isaac Flores’ photographic work focusing on the queer scene in Barcelona. These are images taken from 2018 to 2020 and featuring drag art, drag queens and sexual dissidence.


The project took shape spontaneously, unintentionally: Isaac took his analog camera on his night-time outings in the Raval and “Gaiexample” neighbourhoods, where he began to capture scenes and people. The next step, once he realised the importance of these images, was to conduct photographic sessions outdoors, using natural light, the methodology of classic and fashion photography, combining different formats (digital, analog and Polaroid).


‘Valid Identities’ is a protest and a wake-up call against the intolerance and hatred meted out to members of the LGBTQI+ community because of the way they live, love and express themselves.


The project received the Young Photographer Award of Catalonia, organised by INSPAI Image Centre.


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